J.Brahms. Piano Concerto No. 2. Allegretto grazioso. L. Bernstein, K. Zimerman
Aroma for the painting: furniture and parquet wax with honey flavour
Taste for the painting: Tawny Porto
Technique: oil on canvas, modeling paste, Photoshop, collage, glue color
Dimensions: 60 х 80 cm
Style: Positive Synergism
Сollection of The Institute of the Sun
When Avicenna was only 18 years young, a terminally ill emir invited him to his palace: he had already tried all possible and impossible cures, but nothing helped. The youth was his last, most incredible, and feeble hope… though not futile… He did it! A happy and grateful emir offered the ingenious healer half of his kingdom, immense treasures, and power, but a wise youngster rejected everything. Instead, he asked for the right to use emir’s library! These days he would, probably have asked for an Apple iPad, 4D software or a proper Dell to log on Google – the wisdom stepped from parchments into print-press and, lately, IP pacs. Though the message is the same!
This is the Matrix of the Knowledge Egregore!
Look! Who are these tiny cheerful and restless creatures with small wings? They are so different: some of them are smiley, some – concentrated, and some – dreamy… But everyone is busy and, most likely, with something really serious and important! Probably they are elves from Thumbelina! Isn’t green, a colour of disobedience and mischief, supposed to be the colour of elves in the European folklore? And maybe we are told that ‘some are wise, and some are otherwise’?!
Or maybe these cute creatures of fantasy tell us just that Fantasycannot go without Knowledge – if you know nothing, how can you fantasize? And ‘if you only look at what is existent, you might never attain what could come true’!
But on the other hand, there is only one green thing – the one, who is next to the ‘materializing’ textbook on medicine… The angels and archangels use energies of different frequency and, correspondingly, of different colors to perform their work. As far back as 300 BC the Hebrews wrote about seven archangels, and they believed that angels were surrounded by holy flares and appeared in sanctity halos of different colors. Thanks already to the modern cinematography we know that angels live in libraries! – Remember Nicholas Cage in the ‘City of Angels’?
We also know from esoteric literature that sanctuaries of angels, with libraries and lecture halls, are located on the surface of the Earth over certain points of power… that angels of protection are of a blue halo, angels of insight – of yellow, angels of love – pink, angels that set on the right path – white, healing angels – green, angels of peace – crimson, angels of joy – purple, and there are also angels of indigo, gold, light pink, light yellow, rainbow, and… And that is true – there is enough job for any of them!
Or maybe these are the angels that are in the guise of elves? But why? – For the conspiracy of silence reasons! Because Real Knowledge… ‘It’s a Mystery’! And it should be made public in due time!
In the Matrix it is impossible to come across accidental objects, each carries a meaning. The position and combination of symbols is meaningful, too! Thumbelina and the Prince of elves – if that’s them – are, like Wisdom, so light, that one nearly cannot see them… But they are in the center of the golden mean, at the point of the basis and stability of Harmony!
In this Matrix you also won’t find incidental authors – only those, who possess True Knowledge. And the nomenclature of these authorities quite obviously differs significantly from the generally accepted one! Beneath an attempt has been undertaken, though very conventionally, to classify them. For example, how to define whom Leo Tolstoy was – a Teacher, writer, or philosopher? Why is Thumbelina by H. C. Andersen the first on the upper left-hand shelf next to Confucius, Laozi, and Bible? – Everyone has own answers, and everyone reveals The Truth! Since, the truth might be absolute, gospel, awful, cold, naked, home, bitter, historical, and… own.
What is far, what is high, what is low, and what is nigh? Are the angels that tiny? Or are the elves that huge? What comes first, what comes next, what comes afterwards, and in the end? Is it a painting, or is it a looking glass? Is it and space being constructed or destructed? Only one thing can be confirmed with certainty: a big job is being done on transformation, - more likely… of Mind!
On our left, there is a DVD of Love Actually, on the table, here is a disc of Bach, and a bit further, there is NETWORKS in block letters, meaning that somewhere over there, there is a PC, TV, CD, and DVD player… Or maybe even everything ‘in one bottle’ – a fantastic technological marvel the BeoVision 7-55 from Bang & Olufsen!
In spite of the ancient blessed manuscripts the Matrix looks modern, existing ‘right here and right now’!
On the table we can also see a bust of E. Hemingway, though we will not find his works among the books of the Matrix. Perhaps, we are told that his personality and life experience can teach us even more than his creative work.
In the vase there are roses – a symbol of mystery and love.
A little one is guessing on chamomile: ‘he loves me… he loves me not’, which also symbolizes love.
Forget-me-nots symbolize True Love, like in the Spielberg’s Artificial Intelligence… Do you remember the ending of the movie? Knowledge is True Love, or, vice versa, True Love is Knowledge!
And, eventually, here is the nomenclature of those who possess the Knowledge of the True Love:
(in the alphabetic order)
People of the Arts:
A. Chekhov
A. Kurosawa
A. Pavlova
C. Monet
F. Goya
G. Ulanova
J. Constable
J. S. Bach
K. Hokusai
Leonardo da Vinci
M. Petipa
Michelangelo Buonarroti
N. Ge
O. Renoir
R. Curtis
S. Dyagilev
S. Rachmaninov
T. Gainsborough
V. van Gogh
W. Hogarth
A. Lincoln
G. Washington
M. L. King
P. S. Chesterfield
W. Churchill
Scientists and scholars:
A. Adler
A. Einstein
B. Franklin
B. Gates
C. Darwin
C. G. Jung
D. Mendeleyev
H. Schliemann
I. Sechenov
K. Tsiolkovsky
M. Lomonosov
M. Sklodowska-Curie
N. Vavilov
P. Curie
S. Freud
S. Kovalevskaya
V. Dal
W. von Humboldt
Teachers, Saints, Devotees, and Holy Scriptures:
Abraham the Jew
A. Menn
Bhagavad gita
Dalai Lama
D. Andreyev
El Moria
H. C. Andersen
Hermes Trismegist
M. Uesibo
Mother Theresa of Calcutta
Nicholas Flamel
Sai Baba
Saint Germain
Sergiy Radonezskiy
Sri Aurobindo
The Chinese Book of Changes
The Great Initiated
B. de Spinoza
David of Sasun
F. Engels
F. Nietzsche
G. W. F. Hegel
H. Blavatskaya
I. Kant
K. Marx
L. A. von Feuerbach
M. T. Cicero
N. Berdyaev
N. Machiavelli
N. Roerich
T. More
Writers and Poets:
A. Chekhov
A. Griboyedov
A. Huxley
A. Kobo
A. Pushkin
B. Pasternak
C. Antarova
D. Keyes
F. Rabelais
G. B. Shaw
H. de Balzac
H. Fielding
H. James
H. Wells
I. Efremov
I. Murdoch
I. Stone
J. K. Rowling
J. Swift
J. Updike
J. Verne
K. Issa
L. Tolstoy
M. de Cervantes
M. Basho
M. Lermontov
M. Renault
M. Twain
N. Gumilev
O. Khayyam
O. Wilde
R. D. Bach
R. Tagore
S. Butler
S. Esenin
S. Maugham
S. Rustaveli
T. Mann
V. Brusov
V. Mayakovsky
V. Vysotsky
W. Faulkner
W. Irving
W. M. Thackeray
W. Shakespeare
What the clarinet is singing about
A Midsummer Night's Dream
And many-many other authors and books…
The pinnacle of Knowledge is the Philosopher’s Stone and a sheet from the Book of Abraham the Jew… Only thanks to them Nicholas Flamel succeeded in creating gold and the elixir of life! However, if to believe the legend, by that moment he had already become wise and, therefore, did never use either of them…
P.S. ‘Man’s immortality is not to live forever, for that wish is born of fear. Each moment free from fear makes a man immortal’. (Mary Renault, ‘Fire from Heaven’)