Sound track for the painting:
Aroma for the painting:
Lalique. Perles by Lalique
Taste for the painting:
dried fruits and different types of nuts with dry white wine
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimensions: 60 х 80 cm
Style: Positive Synergism
Сollection of The Institute of the Sun
Travelling involves fresh impressions, feelings, emotions, and acquaintances. It always implies exploring, going from one place to another, especially over a long distance – not to a neighbouring village or town! – to see something new, unknown, mysterious, and even sometimes inconceivable and incomprehensible… It also includes achieving an elusive Dream! And the more cherished is the dream – the more cheerful and rewarding is the encounter!
This is the Matrix of the Travelling Egregore!
… What can be compared with the fun of ‘building castles in the air’ during long and tedious classes? – Never mind that teachers do not understand, that capable children love to go to school, and brilliant ones love to learn... And never mind that they give Livingstones and Schliemanns to-be ‘sats’ for the tests… Oh, what deep and keen regrets they will have! How ashamed they will be! – Go ahead! Full steam, especially if against the current and upstream! For a reason it runs not Titanic but VICTORY on the starboard!
…In the distance, across the desert, there is a travelling caravan; and even further, a long way behind the horizon, there are ‘Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World’… And one can easily understand Alexander the Great, king of Macedon, who was not itching for dominion over the world, but was eager to see those countries at the end of the earth, about which his teacher, Aristotle, used to tell him… – if only all the teachers were like him!
Sand symbolizes trivialities of modern life that people waste time on, and everyday futility, above which it is so important to rise!
Water is a symbol of Mind; while stones symbolize worthless knowledge… Exactly the desire to make the knowledge worthy and to make the brain function in cognition pushes the inquisitive mind of a ‘charmed wanderer’ to undertake an amusing, entertaining, intriguing, and often perilous, journey…
It is common knowledge that a camel can travel for too long thanks to its inner resources; therefore this image embodies endurance and stamina. This symbol is extremely important for anyone in the most trying situations!
‘It was doubtless an ingenious idea to call the camel the ship of the desert…’ (G. Eliot, ‘The Mill on the Floss’, book II, Ch. I), and with this meaning it symbolizes the ability to find a way out of a dead end. Actually, travelling is always a good way through to find in the labyrinth of life! And then… an oasis in the desert, where one can eagerly drink enough water and enjoy a sumptuous feast made to the eye amongst the monotony of the sands… just to celebrate a miracle of living!... Remember that ‘life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away’!
And right are the wise Japanese, who think that ‘life is measured not with past years but with passed roads’!
Moreover, even with virtual ones… Experimental and clinical psychologists have provided undeniable evidence of the fact that the human nervous system is unable to tell a factual situation from the one created vividly and in detail by our imagination!
‘There is no line between ‘the real world’ and ‘the world of myth and symbol’! (W. S. Burroughs)
A white dove, as always, symbolizes Holy Spirit and God’s Blessing.
The rainbow symbolizes happiness or the way to it.
Traditionally, red color is treated as faded God’s rage;
yellow – as divine generosity;
green – as concentrated kind-heartedness and hopes for God’s mercy;
indigo – bringing peace to the earth and protection from natural power;
purple – God’s grandeur.
The waterfall is streaming from the sky! In a desert?!... – No, it is not a mirage, it is Matrix!
P.S. Travel only with your own weather!
But the weather won't be advantageous if you have no purpose!